Updates from the Angiolini Inquiry

Publication of the Part 2 List of Issues

The List of Issues sets out how the Inquiry has interpreted the Part 2 Terms of Reference. The List of Issues may be updated as the Inquiry progresses.

Part 2 List of Issues 22 May 2024

Published 22 May 2024

Angiolini Inquiry Chair welcomes statements from the Home Secretary and the National Police Chiefs’ Council, in which they accept all recommendations in the Part 1 Report

Lady Elish Angiolini has issued a statement welcoming the acceptance of all 16 recommendations made in the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 report.  Lady Elish said the response from the Home Secretary, and of policing organisations showed they recognised the need for change. She went on to say: 

“I trust that work to implement the recommendations will begin without delay and, as I proceed with Part 2 of the Inquiry, I look forward to progress updates from those responsible.” 

You can read the press release and statement in full here.

You can read the Report here.

Published 25 March 2024

Letter from the Home Secretary to Lady Elish Angiolini in response to The Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report

On 1 March 2024, the Home Secretary, the Right Honourable James Cleverly MP, wrote to the Inquiry Chair, Lady Elish thanking her for her Report. He said the Report made “sobering reading”. The Home Secretary said he will consider the findings and recommendations for the Home Office in greater detail, with the aim of providing an update in due course.

You can read the letter here

Published 12 March 2024

Press Release – The Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report

Today, 29 February 2024, the Home Secretary, has published the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report. The independent Inquiry was established to understand how off-duty Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens was able abduct, rape and murder Sarah Everard.

The Report establishes a definitive account of Couzens’ conduct, behaviour and performance leading up to his conviction, and describes the red flags and opportunities that were missed. It makes 16 recommendations designed to ensure that everything possible is being done to prevent those entrusted with the power of constable from abusing that power.

Read the full press release.

Published 29 February 2024

Letter to the Home Secretary to accompany the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report 

On 28 February 2024, the Chair of the Inquiry wrote to the Home Secretary to notify him of the submission of the Part 1 Report. 

The letter from the Chair to the Home Secretary can be read here.

The Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report is available to download here

Published:  29 February 2024 

Provisional Publication Date Announced for the Angiolini Inquiry: Part 1 Report

A provisional date for the publication of the Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report has been set for 29 February 2024. Further details will be posted on our website and on X @angioliniinq.

The Home Secretary will lay the report in Parliament. The Inquiry Chair, Lady Elish Angiolini, will make a press statement to accompany the release of the report.

You can find out more about the Terms of Reference for Part 1 by clicking this link.

Published: 23 February 2024

Letter to the Home Secretary on the Progress of the Inquiry

On 9 October, the Chair of the Inquiry wrote to the Home Secretary to provide progress updates on Parts 1 and 2 of the Inquiry, as well as an update on the Carrick case.

The letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary can be found here: Letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary on the progress of the Inquiry.

Published: 11 October 2023

Terms of Reference for Part 2 announced

On 11 May 2023, the Home Secretary announced the Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry.

The Terms of Reference for Part 2 have been published on our website here: Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry.

Published: 11 May 2023

Letter to the Home Secretary on the consultation response to the draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Inquiry

On 13 March, Lady Elish wrote to the Home Secretary to present the findings of the consultation on the draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry, which opened on Friday 27 January and closed at midday on Friday 24 February. The letter included recommendations to update the Terms of Reference in line with the consultation feedback. Lady Elish also took the opportunity to provide updates on Part 1 of the Inquiry, as well as the Carrick case Terms of Reference.

The letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary can be found here: Letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary on the consultation response to the draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry.

Published: 13 March 2023

Terms of Reference for the Carrick case announced

On 7 February, the Home Secretary expanded the terms of reference for the Angiolini Inquiry to include the case of former PC David Carrick. The Terms of Reference for this work can be found here.

Work to carry out the Carrick case terms of reference will start as soon as the sentencing of David Carrick has been concluded.

Published: 7 February 2023

Draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 announced

On 18 January, the Home Secretary published draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry.

The draft Terms of Reference for Part 2 was subject to consultation. The four week consultation opened on Friday 27 January.

Update: The Consultation closed on Friday 24 February at midday. Thank you to all who participated.

Published: 18 January 2023

Response from the Home Secretary to Lady Elish Angiolini’s letter on the progress of the Inquiry

On 18 July 2022, the Home Secretary responded to Lady Elish’s letter regarding the progress of the Inquiry. The Home Secretary agreed that Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry should proceed as soon as practically possible, without waiting for Part 1 to conclude. Part 1 cannot yet be finalised and submitted because of the ongoing criminal and misconduct proceedings relevant to the case.

An update about Part 2 has been published on GOV.UK here: Second stage of the Angiolini Inquiry to be brought forward.

The Home Secretary’s response to Lady Elish is available here: Letter from the Home Secretary to Lady Elish: update on Part 2 of the Angiolini Inquiry.

Published: 18 July 2022

Letter to the Home Secretary on the progress of the Inquiry

Lady Elish wrote to the Home Secretary on 27 June 2022 to advise that she will be prevented from finalising and submitting her Part 1 report until ongoing criminal proceedings against Wayne Couzens, and other relevant criminal and misconduct proceedings, have concluded.

The letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary can be found here: Letter from Lady Elish to the Home Secretary – progress update on the Angiolini Inquiry.

Published: 27 June 2022